How sidewalk salt affects lawns and gardens

Too much rock salt (Sodium Chloride) will kill or injure the grass and other plants you just had the professional landscapers make look so pretty. The sodium in rock salt blocks a plant’s uptake of key minerals. The chloride in rock salt will essentially starve a plant, disrupting photosynthesis which is how a plant turns light […]

Tips on How to Plow Snow

There is something about watching snow fall from the safety of your home! Unfortunately, it doesn’t last long before you have to go out to remove the snow from your driveway and sidewalks. Most homeowners use a snow shovel or snow blower to remove small to medium sized areas covered in snow. But, a snow […]

How to Winterize a Lawn Mower

The steps you take each fall as part of your exterior home maintenance routine can help safeguard your equipment, so it is operational come spring. It is time to prep your mower for the next season. Read on to learn how to winterize a lawn mower to prevent damage, enhance its performance, and ensure it […]

How to Clean up Your Yard in the Fall

Fall clean-up is essential to preserve the look and health of your lawn and landscape. A little work can help your yard and garden look it’s best when the snow melts away this spring. Here’s what you need to know about how to clean up your yard in the fall. Tools and Supplies Rake Fertilizer […]

Do I Need to Aerate my Lawn in the Fall? 

This year has brought a nearly perfect Minnesota summer that has allowed many people to enjoy their outdoors and spend time in their yards. That also means your grass has had many hours of being mowed, walked on, and played on, which are all causes of soil compaction. Compact soil prevents grass from establishing a […]

Summer Lawn Care Guide for MN

As the 4th of July comes and goes, the warmer months of Minnesota settle in. Our lawns, just like us, have already been hammered by high heat and some drought. Here are a few top pointers to keep your lawn and landscape looking its best. Raise mower to 3-4″ and sharpen mower blade Take care […]

How to Stop Insects From Killing Your Lawn

Do you have brown patches on your lawn that just won’t go away? Or Have you noticed an abundance of insects in your grass? If so, you may have an insect problem. Keep reading to learn if insects are the issue and what you can do to stop them. The first step to figuring out […]

How to Get Rid of Mosquitoes in Your Yard: DIY & Professional Options

The time has come for Minnesota, mosquitoes are making their way into your yard. What can you do to help get rid of the mosquitoes from your yard? Whether you want to tackle the project on your own or have a professional do it, here are some suggestions on how to decrease the chances that […]

The Benefits to Lawn Fertilization

Your neighbor’s yard is always even and green and you’re stuck wondering how to make your yard look similar. It isn’t a secret, it’s lawn fertilization! Lawn fertilization plays a major role in creating a lush green lawn that looks good all summer long, but the process to get there can be intimidating.  A lawn […]

Yard Improvements With Mulch

Mulch is used to retain moisture, reduce or eliminate weed growth, maintain soil temperature, and more. Read on to learn about the different types of mulch that are available, and where you can use it in your yard. What is mulch? The process of mulching has been used for thousands of years to protect and […]